Talk with Hélène Frichot, Therese Keogh, Virginia Mannering and Karin Reisinger: 3.6.21 11 am
This collaborative, multi-voiced lecture by Hélène Frichot, Therese Keogh, Virginia Mannering and Karin Reisinger addresses the Anthropocene thesis by following the mass movements of dirt, soil and minerals, from construction sites to mining areas, to acts of terra-forming and re-orderings of communities and ecosystems. In order to understand
geopolitical and ecological entanglements, we zoom in creatively and engage critically.
”What do we learn from following the materials that have been disturbed and redistributed as a result of the furious industrial activities of Anthropos at a planetary scale?”
Link to the event on June 3, 2021 at 11 am:
Curated and moderated by Lidia Gasperoni, Matthias Böttger and Christophe Barlieb of fieldstations. The association promotes research about the Anthropocene – the new geological age in which human activity has become one of the most dominant influences upon the transformational processes of the earth.
The event, in cooperation with the Department of Architectural Theory at the Institute for Architecture at the TU Berlin, is part of the DAZ series “We need to talk!”.