The massive need for living space in many big cities today is a chance to forge a new era of housing by creating new qualities. The URBAN LIVING exhibition presents future oriented strategies and ideas for new, affordable living typologies, livable neighborhoods and a resilient urban development. The exhibition shows strategies for the future that strengthen the advantages of urban life styles as well as the specific characteristics of individual neighborhoods, as well as solutions that create synergies between citizens and decision makers. Projects from the International Urban Living Workshop and from the Self-Made City publication are presented. The exhibition is an interactive urban landscape in which elements are staged by invited curators, emphasizing aspects of the topic Urban Living. The exhibition, accompanying events and blog (www.urbanlivingberlin.de) offer visitors various possibilities to develop and share their own ideas and desires concerning living.
Curated by Kristien Ring , AA Projects / in cooperation with Senate Department for Urban Planning and the Environment, Berlin
The opening will be on May 21st, 2015. Opening Speakers: BDA Vicepresident Kai Koch, Regula Lüscher, Senat Building Director Berlin, Stefanie Frensch, CEO of the Berlin municipal housing associations HOWOGE, curator Kristien Ring and Matthias Böttger, Artistic Director of the DAZ.
Pictures of the opening and the exhibition you can find on the DAZ-Facebook page.

The Exhibition URBAN LIVING is part of the MAKE CITY Festival (11. - 28. June 2015). Her you can find further information about the "Festival für Architektur & Andersmachen”: makecity.berlin/