Opening: 15.9.2017, 7 pm 16.9.2017 - 12.11.2017, Wed - Sun 3 - 8 pm
Constantin Meyer photographs functional urban architecture that we all know but rarely perceive: parking garage roofs. These “park(ing) landscapes” are graphic compositions. Offering a view onto the horizon and backdrop, they are images reminiscent of paintings: generic roofs in dialog with architectural landmarks.
Together, garage roofs and city allow a new landscape to emerge.

Stefanie Bürkle, artist and professor of visual arts at the Technical University of Berlin, photographer Constantin Meyer and DAZ artistic director Matthias Böttger spoke at the opening on September 15th, 2017.
On September 29th, 2017 at 7 pm, Meyer will discuss the aestheticization of places and non-places with guests at the DAZ Y-Table.

the photographers website