The open architects’ group transstruktura forms itself into different working groups depending on the project. The group’s flexibility makes it possible to react in a versatile way to the order situation and the scope of the project. Their designs are often experimental – for example, they assembled old glass containers into a golden dome space or designed a family-friendly coworking space. The combination of design quality and sustainability plays a central role: their Schulzendorf single-family house in a timber hybrid construction was shortlisted for “Häuser des Jahres 2020 – die besten Einfamilienhäuser” (Houses of the Year 2020 – the best single-family houses) by the Callwey publishing house and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum.
On September 1, 2021, Nataliya Sukhova and Eva Dietrich will talk (in German) to Elina Potratz (editor of der architekt) about cooperative flexibility and the chances of young offices in competitions.
Participation in the event is free of charge, registration is required. To comply with protection and hygiene requirements, seats are limited. Please note the current information on the visit to the DAZ.
The venue this time – to ensure that the minimum distance is ensured – is the DAZ exhibition space.