Talk and magazin presentation: 29.08.2019, 7 pm
The combination of architecture and philosophy seems, at first glance, an impossibility – where philosophy is grounded in language and concepts, architecture is a material practice. But the connection between the two disciplines is by no means new and has, in recent years, come to the fore once again in light of the ethical questions raised by far-reaching processes of social transformation.
On the occasion of the presentation of the most recent issue of der architekt 4/19, architectural theorist Jörg H. Gleiter (TU Berlin), architect Pia Maier Schriever (Rustler Schriever Architekten, Berlin), and philosopher Ludger Schwarte (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf) will discuss the philosophical content of architecture with der architekt editor Elina Potratz.
The evening will be held in German.