8 March to 30 June 2024
Opening hours
Fri–Sun, 3–7PM
A LOT WITH LITTLE dives into 16 buildings by international architects and invites the visitor to experience them as everyday living spaces. Along with music accentuations, the sophisticated photography of the film highlights the architectural qualities; statements by the architects themselves on their design approaches and the social responsibility of architecture in general are intertwined.
Designed as an expansive triptych, the immersive video work illustrates the design challenges of the architects as well as the spatial qualities of the buildings exhibited in their respective surroundings and everyday functionality. The projects are grouped into four typological clusters–housing, education, transformation, and disaster relief–to outline design parallels across divergent geographical, cultural, social as well as economic contexts.
Responding to local conditions and lack of resources, the architects have created extraordinary projects which are sustainable and affordable. The projects underline the relevance of thinking architecture, city, people and nature together, and contribute to a forward-looking building culture.
This installation work is on show in various cities around the world. Find more details at www.alotwithlittle.com
Opening vernissage
Thursday, 7 March 2024, 7PM
Missing Perspectives
Thursday, 16 May 2024, 6PM
A short film event at the DAZ, curated by Silvia Gioberti (Guerilla Architects) and Alesa Mustar (DAZ)
Saturday/Sunday, 22/23 June 2024, 12–7PM
United4Design, Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal, Lacaton & Vassal (France) Mauricio Rocha, Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha (Mexico) Marina Tabassum, MTA (Bangladesh) Jan de Vylder & Inge Vinck, A JDVIV (Belgium) D. Francis Kéré, Kéré Architecture (Burkina Faso/Germany) Solano Benitez, Jopoi de Arquitectura (Paraguay) Marta Maccaglia, Semillas (Peru) Shigeru Ban, Voluntary Architect’s Network (Japan) Marta Peris & Jose Toral, Peris + Toral Architects (Spain)
Niamey 2000, Niger, 2016. Architects: United4Design
Social Housing units in Cornellà, Barcelona, Spain, 2021. Architects: Peris + Toral
Estudio Iturbide, Mexico City, 2016. Architects: Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha + Gabriela Carrillo
Rot Ellen Berg, Oudenaarde, Belgium, 2011. Architects: Architecten Jan de Vylder Inge Vinck (AJDVIV)
Abu House, Asunción, Paraguay, 2006. Architects: Solano Benitez with Gabinete de Arquitectura, today Jopoi de Arquitectura
Startup Lions Campus, Turkana County, Kenya, 2021. Archtitects: Kéré architecture
Museo Anahuacalli, Mexico City, 2021. Architects: Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha
Rural Schools in the Peruvian Amazon, Pangoa, Peru 2017/2019. Architects: Marta Maccaglia, Semillas
Nantes School of Architecture, Nantes, France, 2009. Architects: Lacaton & Vassal
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Art (FADA) in progress, Asunción, Paraguay, Architects: Solano Benitez with Gabinete de Arquitectura, today Jopoi de Arquitectura
Teletón, Children’s Rehabilitation Centre, 2010, Asunción, Paraguay, Architects: Solano Benitez with Gabinete de Arquitectura, today Jopoi de Arquitectura
Transformation of 530 Dwellings, Bordeaux, France, 2017/2018. Architects Lacaton & Vassal with Fréderic Druot and Christophe Hutin
Fabrica de San Pedro Cultural Centre, Uruapan, Mexico, 2022 by Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha
Palais des Expos, Charleroi, Belgium, in progress. Architects: Architecten Jan de Vylder Inge Vinck (AJDVIV)
Disaster Relief
Khudi Bari, various locations in Bangladesh, ongoing. Architects: Marina Tabassum Architects with FACE (Foundation for Architecture and Community Equity)
Paper Concert Hall, L’Aquila, Italy, 2010. Architects: Shigeru Ban Architects with Voluntary Architects’ Network
Curator and Producer: Noemí Blager
Filmmaker and Editor: Tapio Snellman
Camera Assistant: Diego Pitarch
Additional footage: Asif Salman (Bangladesh, Marina Tabassum interview) and Benoit Martin (Shigeru Ban interview)
Composer: Daniel Nolan
Sound Design: Daniel Nolan and Oskar Qvick
Additional Session Musicians: Evi Vine, vocals (Khudi Bari), Dave Elliott, percussion (Startup Lions) and Keir Moore, guitar (Iturbide Studio)
Graphic Design: Micha Weidmann Studio
Project management team at DAZ: Laura Holzberg, Tarek Megahed and Alesa Mustar
Communications and press at DAZ: Daniela Jung, Benedikt Hotze
Noemí Blager, A Lot With Little, 2023
Supported by ARPER
Folge uns @a_lot_with_little @daz_berlin #alotwithlittle

“A Lot With Little” at the DAZ. Photographer: Leon Lenk

Photographs: A Lot With Little film stills © Tapio Snellman and Noemi Blager