New in the Club: A series of talks by the magazine “Die Architekt” and the DAZ.

Talk with Fabian Onneken and Jan Keinath (KO/OK Architektur) and Lydia Rintz and Philipp Quack (ARQ Architekten Rintz und Quack).

New in the club –  the two young architecture offices KO/OK Architektur (Stuttgart/Leipzig) and ARQ Architekten Rintz und Quack (Berlin) will introduce themselves on Thursday, April 7 at the DAZ and talk to “Die Architekt” editor Elina Potratz about their projects and visions.

The office KO/OK Architektur has received a lot of recognition for their bowling alley in Wülknitz, just recently a recognition at the German Architecture Award. With their projects they try to create spatial quality through simple architectural ideas, working as intuitively and honestly as possible with materiality.

After ARQ Rintz Quack Architekten were able to realize a remarkable new building shortly after founding their office with the construction of the new fire and rescue station in Gütersloh, the young office has now specialized in urban planning. The two are interested in how urban planning and ecology can be combined and new mobility concepts implemented, and how this can penetrate more strongly into the political consciousness.


The newly appointed members of the BDA also present themselves in a virtual exhibition on the website Young architects with ideas and potential show their projects and tell something about themselves.

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