Talk: 27.01.2019, 5 pm

How can art help sharpen critical views of the Anthropocene and enable opportunities for new scenarios? Anna-Sophie Springer and Yvonne Volkart will discuss with Christophe Barlieb, Matthias Böttger and Lidia Gasperoni from Fieldstations. In recent years, more and more artists have been working on visualizing and representing the Anthropocene. This has led to a critical reflection on media and technologies. What is the impact of art in the age of the Anthropocene?

The Fieldstations association promotes research about the Anthropocene – the new geological age in which human activity has become one of the most dominant influences upon the transformational processes of the earth.
Anna Sophie Springer is an exhibition organizer, author and artistic director of the publishing imprint K. Verlag. Her exhibitions include “Verschwindende Vermächtnisse: Die Welt als Wald” and is co-editor of the series intercalations: paginated exhibitions. Yvonne Volkart is a lecturer in art and media theory in Zurich and Basel and co-curator of the exhibition “Eco-Visionaries”.

Drinks and snacks are provided.